We aim to help our customers improve both their sustainability and profitability

MacGregor is a world-leading provider of cargo and load handling solutions with sustainability and performance at its heart. We aim to become the customer centric leader in sustainable maritime cargo and load handling by continuing to shape the marine and offshore industries through the most value-creating services and solutions. 

Our sustainability work is based on analysed impact. MacGregor has a holistic approach to managing its impacts in all three aspects of sustainability - environment, social and governance, ESG.

We support and follow Cargotec’s sustainability agenda through our business-specific sustainability action plan and targets. MacGregor’s sustainability performance is reported through Cargotec’s sustainability reporting.

MacGregor has implemented a Certificate of Approval, which is approved by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, and includes approval of all three standards in one certificate; ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment) and ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety).


MacGregor’s business requires natural resources, and an environmental footprint is created in all steps of our value chain. We see these challenges as an opportunity to improve our own business and our industry. The biggest environmental impacts are related to climate change and enabling circularity. We also monitor, address and report on other environmental impacts and emissions.

MacGregor is committed to pursuing science-based measures to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. We aim to significantly reduce our own emissions, and help customers to reduce emissions of their operations. 

Read more about our decarbonisation journey



MacGregor is committed to respecting human rights and providing a safe, fair and ethical working environment and equal opportunities for its employees. MacGregor emphasises safety and well being of its own workforce as well as the safety in the operation of its equipment on customer vessels. 

Our social responsibility covers everyone working in the value chain through ethical business practices and business partner code of conduct. 


By conducting business in an ethical manner, sourcing responsibly and proactively aligning our business with the principles of sustainable finance, we can contribute to stable societies, fair trade and the green transition.

  • Code of Conduct
    At MacGregor, part of Cargotec, ethical behavior and compliance with regulations are at the core of everything we do. Our Code of Conduct and Business Partner Code of Conduct provide detailed guidance on how we conduct business and are available in multiple languages on our Business Ethics page. These codes ensure that we maintain the highest standards of integrity in all our interactions.
  • Whistleblower Reporting Channel
    We encourage you to speak up if you suspect any misconduct in relation to our company or business. Our SpeakUp line is a confidential and anonymous reporting channel hosted by an external partner. This ensures that your concerns are addressed without fear of retaliation.
    You can submit your report through the Whistleblower Reporting Channel site either orally or in writing. You don't need concrete proof, but reports must be made in good faith. Your anonymity is guaranteed throughout the process. We may respond or ask follow-up questions within seven calendar days. All communication will be through the SpeakUp line . 
    Please note that in Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Sweden, there might be specific restrictions related to reporting concerns due to national legislation.
