Increased flexibility and cost-efficiency
Leveraging proven technology and extensive knowledge, the MacGregor FibreTrac crane offers enhanced load handling at unrestricted water depths:
- Increases owner and operator scope of operation
- Enables full lifting capacity of the crane to be used over a wide range of water depths
- Minimal-weight, high performance fibre rope does not add to crane load, irrespective of rope length
- Gentle handling and a controlled environment safeguards rope integrity, maximising lifetime

FibreTrac enables full lifting capacity of the crane to be used over a wide range of water depths
FibreTrac is able to exploit its full lifting capacity because fibre-rope weighs virtually nothing in water, so no additional load is experienced by the crane, regardless of the length of rope used during load handling operations. This is in complete contrast to steel wire cranes.
Tested, proven and certified technologies:
- All integrated together and managed through the crane control system (CCS) and Lift-Line Management System (LLMS)
- Close cooperation with Class Society, DNV-GL, to develop plan for requirements and testing
- DNVGL-ST-0378 certification, Standard for offshore and platform lifting appliances, covers basic crane and primary equipment.
- For fibre-rope cranes: system must account for rope health and lifetime evaluation
- DNVGL-ST-E407, Rope based deployment and recovery systems for designated service, defines criteria/process for such evaluations
FibreTrac brochure Size: 495 KB
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